Installing panelling with clips and a staple gun

Lots of panels can be completely installed without finish nails, glue or screws, with the help of clips that are attached to the wall. This means that you can easily detach the trimming and install it again if needed. With a staple gun, it’s easy to attach the clips to most undersurfaces, even when the wall leans or is irregular. You can read more here about staple guns that are suitable for attaching clips.

The following staples in Rapid’s range are compatible with clips

Click on the icon to see our staples.


A few tips when you install panelling

Bring in the panelling well before

Leave the panelling at room temperature for at least 24h before you install it. It will then be easier to work with, while reducing the risk of cracks at the same time

Start with the ceiling

If you are going to install panelling on both the ceiling and walls, you should start with the ceiling.

Hot-dip galvanised nails withstand humidity better

Use hot-dip galvanised finish nails in rooms with high air humidity, such as the bathroom and conservatory.

Good luck with your project!

Recommended staple guns for attaching clips: