How to remove hollow wall anchors
Removing hollow wall anchors can be a tricky task, but with the right tools and technique, you can do it easily. In this guide, we'll go through three different methods for removing hollow wall anchors from plasterboard.
Method 1
You'll need:
- a pair of pliers
- a pair of multigrip pliers
Start by using the pliers to bend all the sides of the hollow wall anchor's collars towards you. Then use the multigrip pliers to break off all the parts of the collar. Then push the remainder of the anchor into the space behind the wallboard.
Method 2
You'll need:
- a hammer
- a pair of multigrip pliers
- a similar screw to the one originally used in the wall anchor
Start by screwing in the screw a little way into the threading - but only a little so that it's sitting straight without falling out. Then carefully hammer the screw almost all the way in (but leave a small section sticking out). This will straighten out the "body" that had previously been expanded at the back of the cavity wall. Then use the multigrip pliers to grip the small screw section that is still sticking out, and pull out the hollow wall anchor
Method 3
You'll need:
- a drill with a metal drill bit
- a screwdriver
Start by drilling away the collar from the hollow wall anchor with the metal drill bit. Use the screwdriver to push the remainder of the anchor into the space behind the wallboard.
It's important that you are careful when removing hollow wall anchors from plasterboard, as it's easy to accidentally damage the wall. But with these three simple methods, you can remove cavity wall fixings without causing any damage.