BOSCH Home & Garden
As a pioneer in battery development since 1969 Bosch offers do-it-yourselfers and hobby gardeners innovative solutions within the areas of DIY, home and garden. Always aiming to improve the quality of peoples lives.
You no longer need to have a lot of batteries and chargers lying around. A single battery and charger works with multiple tools and products. And what’s more, it’s one of the market’s lightest batteries from one of the leading battery technologies, Bosch.
Rapid, Gardena, Bosch, Gloria, Flymo, Steinel and Wagner are all world-leading specialists in their fields. Who else can offer a single battery for so many products from so many brands?
Presently, there are ten of us in the brand partnership, but others will join us. In addition, each brand is going to continually launch new products. 100% compatibility within the POWER FOR ALL ALLIANCE.
With a single battery instead of multiple batteries, both we as a producer and you as a user are taking responsibility for the environment. Save space. Save money. Protect the environment.
With a single battery that works with multiple tools and products from different brands, you get the greatest application variety for your entire home and garden.
Battery competence since 1969. Since their introduction to the market by Bosch in 2003, lithium-ion batteries have been established as the standard in the power tool industry.
A lithium cell battery ensures a light and compact battery with a long service life and lots of energy. The battery is available in different sizes where the ampere hours (Ah) determine the size and capacity of the battery. The more ampere hours, the more stapling, gluing and nailing you can do before the battery needs recharging.
POWER FOR ALL ALLIANCE is a unique partnership initiated by Bosch. The partnership involves several of the world’s leading brands using the same 18V battery system. The vision is that users around the world should be able to have a single battery and charger for a number of different tools and products.
The advantage for specialists like ourselves who share a battery system, and for users like yourself, is that Bosch, with its 130 years of future-orientated technology, trail-blazing innovations and pioneering battery technology, ensures the best battery technology.
The partnership also ensures that the offering will be continually expanded, with more specialists and even more top-quality tools and products being added. POWER FOR ALL ALLIANCE quite simply offers the largest battery system for those who appreciate simplicity, flexibility, and durability, by using a single battery and charger with tools that you use in the home, garden, summer cottage, and anywhere else that battery-operated is the best option.